Friday, July 27, 2012



Of all the questions in the world THE MOST compelling question that you will ever have to answer for yourselves in your lifetime is WHO IS JESUS?  The answer you give to this question will determine your eternal destination…

This question will be placed before ALL people in one way or another, and it is us not Jesus who will be judged by our answer.  My friend a lot of times our opinions and ideas are formed by someone else’s influence; whether it’s by our parents, our friends, spouses, our teachers/professors and now even by social media.  Please don’t let anyone else influence your decision on who Jesus really is. 

This same question was asked by Jesus to his disciples in Matthew 16:13-17.  He first asked them, who do people say that I am?  His disciples responded that the people believed that he could be John the Baptist come back to live or maybe even Isaiah, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.  Regardless, this answer still proved the unbelief in the people’s hearts.  They were willing to believe he was a prophet come back to live, because of all the miracles he had performed, but to confess that he was the awaited Messiah would be unheard of.

Just as back then so it is today.  If you ask people who Jesus is the majority of them will respond that Jesus was a good man, a good teacher and even a prophet, but to confess that he is the Son of the Living God, (THE MESSIAH).  No way!!!

Of course Jesus was not really concerned with what other people tought about him.  He already knew what was in their hearts, in Luke 16:15 it shows us that God knows the hearts of men.  This question was a set-up question to place in contrast with the disciples’ answer to his real question.  He then asked his disciples, who do you say that I am?

The disciples’ answer made by Peter was only revealed by God 1 Corinthians 12:3.  Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God”.  Salvation is a gift from God Ephesians 2:8.  It is God who by grace draws us to himself.  So today if you hear his voice do not harden your heart Hebrews 3:15.

It will be very sad on that day of Revelation 20:12 when everyone that stands before God will have to answer as to why they didn’t accept and believe that Jesus is the Messiah, (The Savior of the world).  We will have no one to blame, but truly only ourselves. 

On that day there will be many religious people that have deceived themselves into thinking they did know God and lived for him Matthew 7:22, but by their actions they showed otherwise Titus 1:16.

This Post is not intended to judge, scare or threat anyone my intention is only to share the truth about our belief or unbelief in who Jesus is. 

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